Shipping policies
Estimated delivery times are between seven and fourteen business days. Business days do not include weekends, holidays, or public holidays in the State of Israel and the shipping countries.
The shipment is prepared within two business days from the moment the order is confirmed.
A tracking number will be sent to the customer six days after the shipment date.
In the event of a lost package, please wait sixty business days from the date of shipment. If the package has not been received, you can contact customer service for a solution.
Occasionally there may be delays due to holidays, shipping loads, extreme weather or external factors beyond the control of the company. The company is not responsible for delays resulting from customs processes or other regulatory factors.
International shipments may experience additional delays in certain countries due to customs inspections. Any additional fees that the customer may be required to pay by various authorities in the destination country are the sole responsibility of the customer.
Self-collection is not possible.
📩 To contact customer service:
✉ Email:
📱 WhatsApp: 055-9917726
📸 Instagram: @luxeshadowshop